Dan Vicker

Contact Information

Office Location
the Florida Center for Public Management

8:30-11:45 Wednesday and 
10:15-11:45 Wednesday Room PROCAP 
Triangles and Missions: Systems Thinking 

In this session, you will have fun in two learning simulations that will help you bring together the Program content into a summary of systems thinking.  

Dan Vicker is a Senior Management Trainer for FCPM and also serves as a consultant and the Student Liaison for the CPM Program. He received his doctorate degree in organizational communication from Florida State University. He has completed a master's degree in public administration at Florida State University, a master's degree in business administration at UWF, a bachelor's degree in systems science with an emphasis in management and accounting and completed the organizational development/ leadership certificate program at UWF.

He served as a member of the Florida Sterling Council Board of Examiners from 1999 to 2008. He currently serves the Sterling Council by delivering the opening Preview Session at the annual Sterling Conference. He is a board member of the Sterling International Award. He is a member of the Florida Society of Certified Public Managers and the American Academy of Certified Public Managers. He has conducted both qualitative and quantitative research projects. He also conducts projects serving as a trainer/facilitator/consultant in teambuilding, interpersonal communication, cultural diversity, intercultural/interracial communication, leadership, organization development, and management issues. Formally, his job is "facilitating the education of public managers in leadership for our changing world", which involves an in-depth understanding of the relationship among leadership, human behavior, and organizational issues.